Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Avoiding Internet Explorer with FTP

Depending on how you feel about IE, you might just only use internet exploror once: when you are downloading a different browser. Well, today I'm going to show you a different way to go. One that involves downloading Firefox through FTP. This way you will never have to open up Internet Explorer ever again. So let's get to work

  1. Open Windows Explorer. (Windows Logo->E)
  2. Copy/Paste this in to the address bar: ftp://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/latest/win32/en-US/ (this will automatically take you to the latest Firefox release)
  3. Drag/drop the installer onto your desktop. The file will download to your desktop
  4. Run the installer
  5. Enjoy Firefox!

Technically, we still use Windows Explorer for this mini project, but I'm guessing you already use Windows Explorer anyway. You can download it through ftp by way of the command line, but this is so much simpler.

Now you will never have to taint your hands in Internet Explorer. Happy surfing.

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