Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blogger changed

Ever wondered why 'changed' -c  = 'hanged'? Well, the old blogger layout was killed and now comes this new somewhat not-so-wonderful njew layout.

It truly does feel like a layout that the Google team made not something that the Blogger team made. With the addition of a top bar, pretty soon are essentially looking at the standing "google look" integrated for blogger. It's clean simple and neat; nothing to it.

I'm currently not to fond of the new layout. It's confusing and moves all of the buttons I frequently use to other places so I cannot figure out what goes where. Other than that, it will probably be accepted more or less like one of those Facebook layout changes.

Even then, I prefer to have the old layout. It's familiar and it gets the job done. Although I don't like how they have been changing blogger so much as of late, the overall zeitgeist was quite nice.

I'm thinking of keeping the layout though. I get the feeling that I will be forced to make the switch in the future anyway. I would rather make the switch by choice now than be forced later.

Actually, it works quite nicely on my galaxy tab since it's all google stuff now.

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